Friday, June 26, 2009

~ Great Day ...Great Moments ~

Well hari nie dah hari Jumaat (26 Jun 2009), hari yang menamatkan kisah kerja buat minggu ini. Waaaa...minggu nie amatlah busy melalui saat audit di "office". Tetiba auditor dok tanya aku pasal bende tahun 2006!!!Terkial-kial aku nak menjawab yet cause I am so great, thus I managed my way through of answering and they have accepted.

Entah mengapa aku amat gembira dan juga terharu semenjak dua menjak nie. Bukan apa, I guess banyak masa yang aku luangkan buat siblings aku yang kat rumah tu and also my darling hubby.Especially him so that things can be mend over all those silly things that I made in the past.

Last weekend, aku dapat tahu my only sister dah dapat offer masuk Uni....UiTM...engaged with information systems and mathematics...I guess jadi programmer lah tu...I tak kisah apa orang nak comment pasal results dia but she has done it very well and definitely I am so proud of her.I have always proud of my siblings!!!Mana taknya, my brother Anaz pulak dah secure diri dia ngan a good job....joining SHELL by July 1st, 2009.He will be based kat Port Dickson. My younger brother Reihan put tengah mengorak langkah untuk mencorak masa depan dia which I believe that he will achieve success soon.

Oleh sebab semuanya mencapai kejayaan termasuk kejayaan peribadiku dengan yang tersayang, I have taken them out to Berjaya Times Square and played bowling. All of us had fun!! Anaz won the first round while myself secure another.Pity my hubby yang dok trying to win but tak win gak...Next time ye sayang!!

~ Happy family ~

Dear sis and bro...also my darling hubby..I am trying to arrange our next grouping..maybe to Genting Highland..provide kalau En. Kamaroll nak sponsor baik punya...Yelah manalah aku nak mampu menangung sorang sorang...Maklumaku sorang aje dah berapa kan!!

Ok, below ucapanku buat individu berkenaan:-

****Nuroll Attiqah****"Congratulation and all the best sis.Along tak tahu what can I do for you but I know this is another test of life that you are going through and I believe you will make it....Make us proud ok..."

Syahenaz****"Congratulation coz dah secure yourself with a good job.Always berpijak dibumi yang nyata and I believe you will lead your life to the max!!Plus jangan lah kawin lambat sangat.!!"

Reihan****"Just concerntrate on your study and prove to everyone especially our parent that you are as good as everyone wanted you to be...please work hard and jangan leka ye bro"

Hubby****"Thank you for all you have done and I am happy and keeping myself happy for you and for us"