Ooooo....yes definitely we did attend the said party. Eventhough myself and hubby felt pretty much weird since everybody came with their baby yet both of us came with our tummy empty!!!
Eventually how do we get connected to this beautiful family is because my hubby was Airyll's father roommate. Yes....Mr. Hafiz a.k.a Moro was the guy my hubby was attached when he was studying back ini University Teknologi Malaysia a.k.a UTM.
I felt that I just had attend their wedding but time pass so fast which now they have being bless with one adorable son....Airyll Hazz...(now thinking what will my baby name be if is going to be a if I am consuming now...gatal).
The party was a blast to the kids and I met a few new people...the group of mothers and mother to be. Life is so colourful when we have children and I am praying so hard that my time will come soon. Me and my hubby just cannot wait upon the arrival of this new individual in our lifes.
Apa pun semuanya rezeki Allah s.w.t....
Here are some pictures that I lend from Airyll's mother blog ...Mrs. Azza...hope you don't mind dear since both of us did not bring any camera on that day...Enjoy!!
p/s: Nie tgh gatal plan kalau birthday anak sendiri nanti macam mana....huhu..padahal anak pun tak de...
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