Eventually this site will cite the beginning and the whole journey of myself and my dearest hubby. From the day we met and all those beautiful days we are together till today.
Nonetheless,there will be some business and social site to be included thus happy browsing to all blogger's viewer.
~ Fazrene'z Big Day ~
~ Finally we are together ~
~ Hamba Memohon ~
"Ya Allah .. kenalkanlah kami dengan agungnya cintaMu.. Amin.."
~ Pengubat Jiwa ~
Wahai Allah aku memohon kepadaMU petunjuk orang-orang yang memiliki petunjuk dan amal-amalnya orang ahli yakin dan nasihat-nasihatnya ahli taubat dan kekuatan ahli sabar dan semangat orang-orang yang takut kepadaMu dan permohonan orang- orang yang mencintaiMu dan ibadahnya orang-orang yang menjaga dirinya dari yang haram serta pengetahuan orang-orang ahli imu sehingga aku takut kepadaMU..
Wahai Allah aku memohon kepadaMu rasa takut yang dapat menghalangku dari berbuat maksiat sehingga aku beramal dengan ketaatan kepadaMu dengan amalan yang menjadikan aku berhak ke atas keredhaanMu sehingga aku mendapat nasihatMu dengan taubat serta takut denganMu dan sehingga aku mengikhlaskan nasihat dariMu kerana kecintaan ku kepadaMu dan sehingga aku menyerahkan diriku kepadaMu di dalam semua urusan kerana baik sangkaan ku kepadaMu
Maha suci wahai Dzat yang Maha Menciptakan cahaya dan ampunilah kami sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu"
Still remember on one of my post that we attended the YOUREKA contest at KL Live...it was last year...25 November 2009...it was a blast and it was my first time entering the arena..most of the time a lot of concert are held but I was never interested to go...the environment did not make me believe I should belong there...hihi...eventhough that time I felt the same plus I was preggy...but demi suami tercinta kita pun pergi...also accompanied by my BIL, adeb hafiz...ada lah jugak kawan kan...
~ hubby & me ~
~ adeb & me ~
There was so much event going on...but I had it mark on me...hihi..Yahoo sticker tatoo...menarik kan...felt to put everywhere..hihhih...
Nie pulak masa hubby kita masuk those event....
Well...as mentioned he only manage to the 3rd finale level and the prize it 2 pair Mi Adidas...customization was made in Pavillion, KualaLumpur...
Out of the 2 pairs...he got one for himself and he gave me as my birthday present ...hihi..besh!!my own Mi Adidas....he said for the comfortness of me with our newly born baby that I am carrying...jaga kaki katanya...sayang eb..!!!
~this was for his shoe ~
~ this is mine...my only Mi Adidas~
And this is the real thing...
Again, thank you so much sayang...I guess saya nie menumpang tuah eb ajelah...hihi..kalau nak beli tu memang tak mampulah kan..I love you so much...
Nie yang kaki asyik rasa nak berjalan aje...hihi..
One of the common results of rapid pregnancy weight gain is stretch marks. Officially known as striae gravidarum,stretch marks occur in about 50-90% of women in the second half of pregnancy. Stretch marks do fade over time but they do not completely go away. For that reason, it is no surprise that expectant mothers are motivated to try to prevent stretch marks during their pregnancies when possible.
Stretch Marks During Pregnancy is More Likely to Occur with A Family History
If female relatives on the mother's side had stretch marks during pregnancy, it is more likely that the expectant mother will also get them. In addition to a having a family history, striae gravidarum is more likely to occur with any of the following risk factors:
younger mothers
having multiples
having a larger baby
corticosteroid use
Treatment for Stretch Marks Includes Daily Massage with Topical Ointment
When experts have researched treatment options for stretch marks, they have found mixed results. It is possible that having a daily massage may be helpful in the prevention of stretch marks, but it is not clear which ingredient in various brands of stretch mark creams or lotions seems to do the trick.
As compared to the group of women who did not massage with stretch mark cream, fewer women in both research studies who used a topical ointment or cream developed stretch marks. One stretch mark cream used in a study contained the following ingredients: centella asiatica extract, alpha tocopherol and collagen-elastin hydrolysates. In the other study, participants used an ointment that contained tocopherol, panthenol, hyaluronic acid, elastin and menthol.
Researchers were not able to conclude which ingredient in the two types of creams helped to prevent stretch marks. Perhaps it is not the specific ointment or ingredient used, but the act of having a daily massage that helps to moisturize the skin and prevent stretch marks.
Yup...last weekend me and hubby took our time to drop by the Malaysia Chocolate Fair 2010 @ Midvalley. Guess what..time was not wasted at all. For the first time we eventually bought something upon my pregnancy term...Palmer Cocoa Butter Cream..
It was so cheap which initially the price was RM41.00 but then we bought it at only RM23.00!! Thank to my darling hubby for his gift and advise as for the best of me and his newborn girl!!
By the way...those who knew me know that I am some sort of a chubby girl...thus maybe my strech mark is not so obvious till know. I am so glad and so far there is no allergies in any way either myself or my baby.
Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar till the big day!!!
Say hello to my little dah-ling inside of me who's been moving actively everytime the doctor scanned and is causing me all this excitement and also making me feeling whether everything is going to be orait, but hey I still love you. I love my newly princess....Fazrene's Junior...
I am officially 24 weeks now though the tummy has not make its grand appearance yet as many people mentined it, I can feel my pants is getting tighter and harder to button, though I still can wear 'em and I wear my kain most of the time without even bother to zip it. Luckily the kain manage to stay put and not fall down!
Fadzly has been talking to the baby a looooot of time and keep asking me about the baby. The other day he asked me "mama, baby sihat?" or "mama, baby nak makan ape?"...all I know that he has been so excited and putting all his attention to me and our baby...how much I appreciate his concern and loving manner..
I still worry about the giving birth part though. Still anxious in making decision whether by chosing private hospital is the best choice to give birth.Since we'll are hoping that either company is giving the maternity allowance thus we opt for private I've been thinking looong and super hard. After all I have history of being chicken shit in the government hospital and ended up with hours of long waiting.
Since the vicinity are my main concern, thus we opt for HUKM Specialist Centre. Its near to my house and we think it is also reachable to all family later on. Never mind lah, we think we still have a long way to go and think and then re-think and re-think again.
Today is the 3rd day of 2010 and my 3rd month of probation is coming to an end. How should I elaborate my new environment....I guess is a brand new experience and there are lot more to learn. My new organization is the best place for me to gather back my portfolio and with high hope I am building my career to the successful path.
The organization board, which is based in Kuala Lumpur, was officially inaugurated on 3rd November 2002 and started operations on 10th March 2003. It serves as an international standard-setting body of regulatory and supervisory agencies that have vested interest in ensuring the soundness and stability of the Islamic financial services industry, which is defined broadly to include banking, capital market and insurance. In advancing this mission, IFSB promotes the development of a prudent and transparent Islamic financial sevices industry through introducing new, or adopting existing international standards consistent with Sha'riah principles, and recommend them for adoption.
Well, hope this job will bless my family will all the great opportunity in the future.....
If you can journey to the past to look back at the things that what we have been through, The old year is a past now and the new year is a present now,
We have many wishes that we do not fufill this year, We can fufill it and complete it 100% in the year 2010, Try to think of our loved ones, friends and relative, Appreciate them and thank them for loving us for who we are.
Wipe off our sorrows and regrets as the new year is approaching, Our happy thoughts is filled as the new year is approaching, Reflect on our every good deeds and things we have done, As the fresh new year and also a bright future up ahead. Cherish the ones that whom that supported us throughout the year.
Thank you everyone for being supportive, enthusiastic and appreciating us.
We hope everyone to have a very good life begining of this year 2010 and also strive for the future ahead acquiring success to become!