Maaf adalah kata benda yang bererti keampunan. Diberikan kepada kesalahan, kerana didorong oleh perasaan kasih, cinta, sayang, mahupun tak tega. Ketika menjadi kata kerja memaafkan, maknanya sebuah tindakan yang penuh dengan kebijakan yang bernuansa kemanusiaan yang tinggi.
Lupa adalah kata keadaan yang bererti alpa. Semacam tanda kekurangawasan daripada yang bersangkutan. Tetapi ketika menjadi kata kerja melupakan, mengandung makna melumpuhkan diri sendiri, sehingga seseorang menjadi alpa, tidak lagi ingat kepada sesuatu.
Memaafkan mengandung rasa mengampuni, tetapi tidak menjanjikan untuk bersedia menganggap itu tak pernah terjadi. Tetap menuliskannya di dalam sejarah, namun tidak lagi dengan luapan emosi yang normal. Peristiwa tersebut dilirihkan, dikendurkan, agar tak mampu menyentuh perasaan lagi.
Melupakan adalah seperti membatalkan kejadian. Tak hanya menghapus dari kenangan, tetapi juga mengeluarkan hal tersebut dari sejarah. Tapi di pihak lain, melupakan tak pernah mengampuni, tapi hanya ingin melenyapkan.
Jadi memaafkan tak selamanya berarti melupakan. Namun melupakan, bila tak ada pernyataan secara formal, sebenarnya secara diam-diam memaafkan.Manusia sebagai makhluk sosial tidak akan terlepas dari hubungan dengan manusia lain. Memaafkan dan terkadang melupakan merupakan bahagian dari keperluan hubungan sosial. Tanpa perasaan memaafkan, maka tidak akan berlangsung kehidupan manusia hingga saat ini. Nescaya akan ada banyak perselisihan yang tak kan pernah habisnya.
Manusia sebagai makhluk yang berakal juga memiliki perasaan. Kedua potensi itu memungkinkan untuk memiliki sifat-sifat yang mulia, tapi juga sebaliknya. Kedua potensi itu pula dapat merendahkan manusia lebih dari binatang.Rasa marah, kecewa adalah perasaan yang tidak dipungkiri dapat hinggap ke dalam hati setiap manusia. Rasa sakit yang ditahan, rasa kecewa yang kerap disimpan, keduanya bukan tidak mungkin justru malah akan menimbulkan penyakit hati manusia.
Manusia tidak akan pernah sempurna tanpa kehadiran manusia lainnya. Rasa marah yang mungkin saat ini disimpan, pernahkah terbesit kehadiran, keberadaan, dan keberhasilan kita juga karena kehadiran manusia lainnya.Memaafkan dan melupakan dilakukan kerana tiada berguna menahan perasaan yang justru membatasi kita dalam bergerak. Memaafkan dan melupakan dilakukan kerana buat apa perasaan yang dimiliki justru malah menyempitkan hati. Memaafkan dan melupakan dilakukan kerana ternyata perasaan yang kita tahan membezakan perilaku kita sesama saudara.
Memaafkan dan melupakan dilakukan kerana jika ternyata emosi yang kita tahan lahir bukan kerana Allah SWT.Islam sebagai agama yang mulia pun mengatur hubungan antara manusia. Bahkan Rasulullah SAW tidak memperkenankan saudara sesama muslim menahan amarah yang melahirkan permusuhan.
Dalam sabda Rasulullah SAW, "Tidak halal seorang muslim memutuskan hubungan dengan saudaranya (sesama muslim) lebih dari tiga hari. Barangsiapa memutuskan lebih dari tiga hari dan meninggal, maka ia masuk neraka." (HR. Abu Dawud, 5/215, Shahihul Jami' : 7635).Abu Ayyub Radhiallahu'anhu meriwayatkan, Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Tidak halal bagi seorang memutuskan hubungan saudaranya lebih dari tiga malam.
Saling berpapasan tapi yang ini memalingkan muka dan yang itu (juga) membuang muka. Yang terbaik di antara keduanya yaitu yang memulai salam." (HR. Bukhari, Fathul Bari : 10/492).Sungguh, memang perasaan manusia terkadang menjadi perasaan yang tidak mudah dimengerti. Tapi Allah SWT memberikan manusia hati dan akal yang membuat manusia lebih mulia dari makhluk lainnya yang digunakan untuk memahami.
Memiliki sifat memaafkan dikatakan sebagai sifat yang mulia. Kerana dalam sifat maaf terhimpun sifat-sifat mulia lainnya. Hanya yang memiliki kesabaran dan kelapangan jiwa yang dapat memaafkan dengan tulus.Kelembutan hati dan besarnya ruang jiwa yang diberikan akan melahirkan sifat pengertian yang tidak mudah dimiliki. Seperti halnya ketika Rasulullah SAW sedang duduk seketika ditarik janggutnya hingga memerah oleh seorang Arab Badwi. Tetapi Rasulullah SAW tidak marah dan membalasnya. Atau ketika Rasulullah SAW dilempari batu oleh penduduk Thaif, yang bagi Malaikat Jibril sudah mengundang pedih dan menawarkan untuk menimpa mereka dengan gunung Uhud.
Tapi, tahukah engkau jawapan manusia yang paling mulia ini? Rasulullah SAW tidak membalasnya dan menjawab, "Sesungguhnya mereka hanya kaum yang belum mengerti," lalu Rasulullah SAW mendoakan semoga mereka mendapat hidayah.Tertunduk lemas hati ini jika bercermin kepada Rasulullah SAW. Sangat jauh dan betapa mudahnya membiarkan hati disempitkan oleh perasaan emosi yang datang dari syaitan.
Ya, di kehidupan ini menuju akhirat kelak, kita bukan hanya memerlukan untuk menjaga nama diperhatikan oleh makhluk langit, dengan beribadah semestinya. Tetapi kita juga perlu menjaga nama kita di antara makhluk bumi, agar ketika amal yang dilakukan tidak berkurang kerana ada yang keberatan akan perilaku kita.
Sesunguhnya aku memohon kemaafan dan juga memberi kemaafan agar hidupku dan juga insan disekeliling aku diberkati-Nya
Friday, May 29, 2009
~ Erti Sebuah Kemaafan ~
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Daily Diaries
Thursday, May 28, 2009
~ Go... Go... My Hubby'z Barca ~
Finally they win...Barcelona lifts European crown from Manchester United...No wonder my darling hubby wore the jersey today...So cute and confident ..!!!! That's my hubby!!
Barcelona gave an emphatic answer to who is the best soccer team in Europe, dispatching Manchester United with a dazzling and dominating display to win the Champions League title for the second time in four seasons.
Lionel Messi...
Samuel Eto'o scored 10 minutes in and Lionel Messi connected in the 70th, leading the Spanish champions to a one-sided 2-0 victory Wednesday night that prevented the English power from becoming the first team in 19 years to win consecutive European titles.
Glory ...Glory ....Barca!!!
Since when Mrs. Azrin minat bola nie....Macam tengok aje game pagi tadi...chottt!!!
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Daily Diaries
~ Enough of Language ~
Darn...Had enough of sticking to this English language blogging. Not having any transparent on whatever I am going to blog on. Restriction of impression and feelings to all that was meant to be written. Thus, I am officially making my blog as a mixture of languages in between English and Bahasa Malaysia. Puft..!!!
Talking about language made my realized what have I gone through last weeks. So many words was spoken yet there are time it carries another meaning that what we were thinking. Sometime we thought that what we say was only an explanation yet impression made it percept it wrongly. We meant nice people say we are making fun of it. I am to dumb to say it or understand it or making an assumption is better than accepting the fact.
Menghadapi minggu yang penuh dengan high end vocabulary yang juga mengaitkan sekali dengan perasaan membuatkan aku rasa diriku amat dungu...Dungu kah aku??
Do I have to read books in order to learn and understand whatever the third party is talking about?Perlukah aku menyelami maksud setiap bibit kata seseorang itu walaupun that particular person don't even tried to understand me??
As what my mentor said that....World is never fair...So bangunlah dari tidur and look around you...arrrggghhh...!!!
~ if the language made any sense, a catrastophe would be an apostrophe with fur - Doug Larson
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Daily Diaries
Monday, May 18, 2009
~ Breast Cancer Awareness Bag Print Design Contest ~
1st Prize:
WINNING DESIGN WILL BE PRINTED ON GIN & JACQIE TOTE CANVAS BAGS! (which will be sold across Malaysia and everyone will be carrying your design around!)
* RM1,000 Estee Lauder products
* RM500 Cziplee Artmakr product
* RM500 gin & Jacqie voucher
2nd Prize:
* RM500 Bobbi Brown products
* RM300 Cziplee Artmakr product
3rd Prize:
* RM500 Clinique products
* RM200 Cziplee Artmakr product
25 Consolation prizes:
* 2 TGV movie tickets
50 x Early Bird Gift
* 50 pieces of LIMITED EDITION Inner Secrets camisole just for this contest!
Tie-breaker: [ design/creative ]
Submit Via: Online, Mail-In
Frequency: One-time Contest
Purchase: Free to Enter
Organizer / Company: Gin&Jacqie
Rules / Description:
Step 1 - read:
Read all about breast cancer and be aware of what’s happening. We’ve compiled some useful links here. Click and read. Learn the symptoms, how to self examine your breasts, statistics and precaution steps. Educate yourself about breast cancer and think about how to share this information to others by designing something on a bag.
Step 2 - design
Put on your thinking cap and start designing! Design a print to represent “what breast cancer means to you” OR “ help promote breast cancer awareness”. Ensure that you’ve included a PINK RIBBON in your design. Design within the template and indicate on the left bottom bag where you’d like the design to be.
Two ways:
1. by downloading the JPEG
2. by downloading PDF file (click here)
Your challenge is to create a design that will inspire thousands to become breast cancer aware.
How you go about achieving this is up to you. Your design could for example:
* inspire others to support the fight against breast cancer
* encourage people to raise funds for breast cancer research
* communicate what breast cancer awareness means to you
* signify the hope that research gives and the importance of being breast aware
Inspire us with your design!!!!!!!!
Design Rules:
* Submission starts from 15th May 2009 - 30th June 2009
* The color, shape and placement of the “pink ribbon” can be manipulated as the designer sees fit. However do note that the color of the ribbon must remain PINK.
* The design may contain a maximum of 8 unique colors. Submissions will be declined if the design contains more than 8. Each shade (e.g. Sky blue and Royal blue will be considered 2 colors) of a color counts toward the 8 color limit, as do black and white
* The design MUST have a title, description and MUST be an original creation.
* Use this file as a template for your design. The design can be placed on any location of the bag.
* File submitted must be in JPEG form and not more than 1MB/1024kb.
* Example of design, colour count and placement of design.
Step 3 - submit:
Once you’ve designed your bag, submit your design by uploading it along with your title, description and personal details. Click here to be redirected to the submission form.
Step 4 - vote:
Starting from 1st - 20th July, come back to the site and start voting for your best design to be printed on a canvas tote bag! Winners will be picked based on voting and judges decision. The best design will get their designs printed onto gin & Jacqie canvas tote bags which will be on sale in support of BCWA.
Contest Locality: National / Malaysia
Contest URL/Website:
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Contest
~ Marriage Is.... ~
Marriage Is...: Filling in the Rest of the Sentence
1. Not always easy.
2. Sometimes aggravating.
3. About needing to trade places (i.e. putting yourself in your spouse's shoes) from time to time. (Especially helpful to do when they're upset and biting but you're not sure why. Seeing life from their eyes can help figure out what's troubling them, which in turns help you figure out how to best be there for them.)
4. Getting satisfaction not from all your spouse does to make you happy, but from all you do that brings him or her happiness.
5. Adding extra crushed red peppers to the spaghetti sauce and chili to make it hotter than you like to accommodate your spouse's taste buds. (Alternatively, it's leaving out some peppers when you know your spouse prefers a more mild seasoning.)
6. Being comfortable with being vulnerable and trusting your heart to another.
7. Staying healthy and growing old together.
8. Realizing sometimes memory fails and details are lost, but the heart never forgets what's important.
9. Sharing dessert.
10. Picking up the slack when your spouse isn't able to.
11. Being able to both accept and forgive when an "I'm sorry" is offered.
12. Learning how to say "I'm sorry."
13. Saying "I'm sorry" when you don't know why you should have to other than you know it'll help restore harmony.
14. Extending your hand to offer comfort and reassurance when things get tough or scary.
15. Saying what you mean, when you mean it, tactfully and respectfully.
16. Respecting your spouse's opinions, inclinations, and hobbies.
17. Cherishing each married moment.
18. Being able to make each other laugh whether you're rich or poor, having good times or bad, in sickness and in health.
19. Listening more and talking less.
20. Remembering not to get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. (I see this saying in catalogs all the time for pictures and plaques and stuff. I thought it's message beared repeating.)
Out of the 20 listed items above, I am still struggling to fulfill most of it. All I know I will work so hard to made him know that I love him so much....Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Love and Marriage
~ Happy Teacher's Day ~
This Teachers’ Day I would like to thank my many teachers who have influenced me one way or another. It saddens me that some of them are no longer with us. Their good work will be remembered. I am glad that I had taken time to say thank you and keep in touch with some of them.
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Daily Diaries
Friday, May 15, 2009
~ Beloved Grandmama & Grandpapa ~
Well this is my very best pair of grandmama and grandpapa. My grandpapa's name is Raja Baharuddin B. Raja Mat while my grandmama's name is Rodziah Bt. Ngah Shariff. Upon their marriage they were bless with 3 children which is my mum and two of my uncles.
Make your Stick Figure Family at
However, a few years back my grandpa passed away due to heart complication and now left my grandma alone.
Dear God...bless my grandpa soul for his among the precious person anyone could be with....I am so proud to have him as my grandpa...
"Atok"...I miss you so much and wish you would still be around to watch me and my new family now...this poem is dedicated to you grandpa....
Granddad, you were just a lad,
So many years ago.
You had your loves and had your dreams,
You watched us come and go.
You watched us make the same mistakes,
That you had made before,
But that just made you hold us tight,
And love us all the more.
We haven’t always thought about
The things that you have seen.
To us you’ve just been ‘Granddad’,
No thought of who you’ve been.
But we remember now in love,
Your life from start to end,
And we’re just glad we knew you,
As Granddad, and as Friend.
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family'z
~ Here it is - Continuity ~
Well still remember the post I wrote on the gift from my hubby?
Mentioned that I will wanted to share the picture of it and yesterday night my hubby was helping up with it. Gosh I love him so much...
Here it is.....I guess it will be sometime for me to buy another new handbag....not sure when that will be but I know that this gift meant a lot to!!!
Thank you sayang!!!
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gifts and Presents
~ Expected Itinenary - Perhentian Island ~
Well my hubby collegue, Ms. Mazni have actually made all the activity arrangement from the date of arrival till the last day of the trip as per listed below:-
Day 01:
- Registration at Kuala Besut Jetty.
- Boat transfer to Perhentian Islands .
- Check-in room.
- Free & Easy.
- Lunch Time.
- Free & Easy.
- Dinner Time.
Day 02:
- Breakfast Time.
- Snorkeling trip (morning –evening)
- Lunch Time.
- Snorkeling trip
- Free & Easy.
- BBQ dinner.
Day 03:
- Breakfast Time.
- Free & Easy.
- Boat transfer to Kuala Besut Jetty.
Guyz we need to make more special arrangement and activities....anybody have any this is my first time..excited!!!
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Trip and Vacation
Thursday, May 14, 2009
~ Perhentian Island - Travel Tips ~
The best time to visit
The monsoon season peaks between November and March every year. You can expect more rain and rough seas and most resorts are typically closed from end October through end-February. Peak season is between July and August and prices rise accordingly. During off-peak times, rates are negotiable. You may need to book well in advance during peak time and also for public holidays and weekends. Note that most budget resorts do not accept bookings and handle guests on a walk-in basis only.....From the above saying that we are going at the right time which is best for
Equatorial with fairly uniform temperatures year-round, ranging from 21ºC (70ºF) to 32ºC (90ºF). Humidity is high (85-95%). Annual rainfall varies from 2,000mm to 2,500mm and most rain can be expected between November and February......Not so hot neither now raining is expected...just nice yet I am bringing my tan lotion....gosh I am not getting tan at way...not in Malaysia condition...freaky!!!
Very casual. There are no dress restrictions on the islands and light cotton clothing, t-shirts and shorts would be suitable....Is naked permitted...ihihi..... In some villages and rural areas, modest clothing is more appropriate. Topless sunbathing for women is not acceptable.....there my answer go....thought of doing so...hahah... Terengganu is an Islamic state and it is best to dress modestly when in doubt..I bet the panoramic view will be so different that what is mentioned...
Expect to pay significantly more for everything on the island than you would pay on the mainland. There are several convenience and souvenir stores as well as laundry service....I am definitely no shopping anything except my fridge magnet...ihih..its a must man!!
Here's the best part and mark it well ya guyz.....
There are no banks or ATMs on the island or in Kuala Besut. Some resorts and dive centres accept VISA and Mastercard but it is best to have enough cash with you to cover your expenses while at the island. The closest ATMs and banks can be found in Jerteh (15 km from Kuala Besut).....
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Trip and Vacation
~ New Mickey Mouse Watch ~
Finally I bought the watch. I have always have my eyes on this watch and finally I bought it last week. Thanks to my darling hubby who gave me the bucks.....sorry darling but I cannot bare looking at it anymore.
Not that luxury yet for me its funky!!
Completely see through watch and plus its a kinetik watch....meaning no need battery for the life time.
Here are some angle to picture the watch.....

Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gifts and Presents
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
~ The Halligram - Volume 1 & Volume 2 ~
We are proud to publish our first ever Jim & Hall’s e-newsletter!
The intention of this newsletter is bring all of us closertogether. In this newsletter, we will highlight latesthappenings in our offices around the region.
So sit back, take a break from your hectic workschedule (all halligans are born hardworking), grab acup of coffee and enjoy the newsletter!
A HAPPY 2009 to all from the Jim & Hall’s NewsletterEditorial Team!!
Click this link to view the newsletter
- Volume One ----
- Volume Two ----
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Career
~ Finally Its Raining ~
Gosh its been a very!!
Like every night I'm halfly asleep till then I took another shower in the middle of the night. Thought of jumping into the swimming pool located at the club house yet have never had the guts of doing it. Wanted to switch on the air-cond yet later my electricity bill will rise like hell...the air-cond need to be furnish or else more electricity will be used up. And again its all need money....and our money is saved for our island trip....which is going to be
But today its finally raining ....heavily raining...and the best part of raining day is searching and having a nice umbrella....and I do have my own umbrella which is dotted blue and some more its cheap.....Hope the rain will wash the heat away....
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Daily Diaries
~ Current Career Path ~
Before I graduated from University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) in August 2007, I have actually secure myself a job with one of the Regional Office Interior Design firm which their headquarter is in Singapore. Till now (which has been almost 2 years), I am still with them and thus would like to share about my career family.Under the brand of Jim & Hall's, each office in Korea, Philippines, Thailand,Malaysia and Indonesia shares the vision and objectives of Jim & Hall's Pte Ltd, Singapore. All of us are committed and adopt the common Quality, EHS, SOP, appraisal system and communication system. The benefits are not limited to time and cost effectiveness but also added values to meet various requirements of our clients.

Ignatius has 22 years of experience in the property / construction industry. He began his career as a Project and Marketing Executive in Domain Realty, a Singaporean construction and property management firm in early 1985, managing a number of retainer accounts with multi-national corporations and condominiums.
In 1987, he started a construction business focusing on interim refurbishment for condominiums and industrial factories in Singapore. With a clear vision he decided to expand and founded Jim & Hall's Pte Ltd in 1989 with Thye Wai.

Mok Thye Wai
Thye Wai has 20 years of experience in the property & development industry. He began his career in 1986 as a Property Executive in Great Eastern Life, a finance and property company with assets in the region, managing the company's residential and commercial properties.
Three years of exposure to structured management systems and working with people at all levels has laid a solid foundation in his entrepreneurial skills. Equipped with analytical and technical skills, Thye Wai decided it was time to contribute to the society, together with Ignatius, they formed Jim & Hall's Pte Ltd in 1989.
Being part of Jim & Hall's family makes me happilly embarking myself to the new world of construction and interior design field. Started as the Administrative Assistant and now climbing up as Finance Executive which made me ponder if I could ever go higher. So many things that I have learnt not only in accounting and finance line yet parts of the industry itself.
Below are some of my management regionally that I would like to share. Suprisingly Jim & Hall's acknowledgement the talented young and fresh new comer as part of their management team. Token of appreciation to our founders for believing in us.

Budi Salim - Director
Budi has 8 years of property and construction industry experience. He began his career in 1999 as an Architect in a property / construction company in Indonesia, working primarily in 'concept and design', and working in conjunction with clients in project co-ordination.
After 5 years Budi developed his entrepreneurial skills, as well as gain valuable experience in management systems and architectural processes. In 2004, Budi started his own construction business in conjunction with Benny, focusing on residential and commercial developments. In 2005, Budi and Benny merged their company with Jim & Hall's Pte Ltd (Singapore)
Benny Wijaya - Director
Benny has 7 years of property and construction experience, commencing his career in 2000 as interior designer with Jim & Hall's in Singapore. Benny's responsibilities involved 'building and concept development', supervision of the preparation of documentation and drawing production.
In 2004, Benny ventured into his own business in partnership with Budi Salim and in the following year merged their company with Jim & Hall's Pte Ltd (Singapore)
Louise Leong - Country Manager
A young entrepreneur with a fresh mind, Louise became a part of Jim & Hall's in 2005. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Property Management. This is her first experience in the career path as a Quantity Surveyor. Despite being engaged in a different field of study, she embraced it confidently.
After two years being acquainted in her position, she has proven herself as a diversified personnel. Louise was promoted to a more challenging position as an Assistant Commercial Manager in 2007. Her new task in 2007 is to confront the barrier and raise Jim & Hall's to a higher elevation.

Joe Chang - Director
Joe had his formative years working in Takenaka encompassing structural, architectural and interior works in numerous projects. 7 years later, he joined Takashimaya (Interior) Company to immerse in specializing interior works development and management and was later assigned to Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia to oversee and manage several projects.
Having accumulated years of Project Management knowledge and skills, he diverted to provide Project Management consultancy and services on a freelance basis to both local and overseas companies. In 2006, he seized the opportunity to team up with Daniel to set up Jim & Hall's (Thailand) and spearhead the operations and expansion in the new territory.

Daniel Sin - Director
Daniel graduated from National University of Singapore, Building and Real Estate and embarked his first career step in Jim & Hall's (Singapore) as a Project Executive managing on-site projects before gradually shifting to Account Management to deliver a more focus and personal approach to clientele. Later on he took up Sales and Marketing in furniture to diversify his portfolio before moving on to Bangkok as a Cost Estimator for interior works.
In 2006, Daniel took up the challenge to establish Jim & Hall's (Thailand).

Park Won Sun - Director
Wonsun spent 9 years in the United States at E. Lansing Michigan & Miami FL. where she was exposed to a different culture and ideas during her studies. Returning to Seoul with the knowledge, real life experience and an open mind she began her career in the Hospitality Industry in 1990.
An outspoken and intelligent entrepreneur, Wonsun positioned herself within the competitive market in Seoul and in 2006 decided to form Jim & Hall's Korea in pursuit of providing the building industry with a quality focused alternative.

Kenneth Tan - Assistant Director - Project
Kenneth has been Practicing project management actively in the construction industry since 1984, with his career spanning through a numerous MNC main contracting firms. Moving over to interior design industry in 1995, his career has brought him through several international design houses and workplace solution providers.
With more than 20 years of experience in Construction and the interior design industry, Kenneth has proven to be a successful key personnel for Jim & Hall's management team, and is currently overseeing the organisation governance of the company
Joey Ng - General Manager
Joey graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Construction Management at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. She joined Jim & Hall's in 2002 as Quantity Surveyor.
Proven her competence, she was promoted to Head of Commercial Department in 2004 leading her team in exercising cost control and monitoring of expenditure. She has earned her reliability by working towards client's needs.
In 2008, Joey has been appointed as General Manager to oversee and ensure smooth inter-department work flow inline with Jim & Hall's objectives.
Hope I will be there where they are now one day......
Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Career
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
~ Engagement - January 19th, 2008 ~
Engagement Is the Time Between
Engagement is the time between
Being two and one.
It moves so fast the mountains shift
Before the survey's done.
It's not a thing you can get used to,
Trying for a fit;
It's sheer uphill, the road to bliss,
And when you're there, that's it.
Exciting, thrilling, always new,
Full of joy and fear;
Things race by, yet move so slow
A month can take a year.
To find its proper form;
Yet there it is, when we can look,
The peace within the storm.



















Cited by nuroll azrin kamaroll zaman at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Wedding and Engagement